Region Örebo county Region Örebo county

E-invoice – for you as a supplier

Suppliers are required by law to send invoices electronically to public sector organisations.

Send invoices electronically

Region Örebro County accepts invoices in the following formats:

PEPPOL BIS Billing 3 

  • Our party ID is our registration number, SE2321000164
  • Our PEPPOL ID is 0007:2321000164
  • The GLN-kod is 7381037500002 and our VAN provider is CGI/BTX.

NB, a non-swedish supplier may only use PEPPOL to send invoices.

Region Örebro County registration number:


If you have any questions regarding connection or invoicing, please contact us using the email address below.

Invoices to Region Örebro County require a valid reference number

An invoice to Region Örebro County must always include a valid reference number. The number is made up of 10 characters (3 digits, a hyphen, 3 letters, and 3 digits), e.g. 010-AAA123.

The reference must be indicated in the right field according to standard. For PEPPOL it is in the field BuyerReference.
Example: <cbs:BuyerReferens>010-AAA123</

If as a supplier you do not have a valid reference number, please contact the orderer.

Our terms and conditions of payment

Region Örebro County does not accept order, invoicing, or administration charges, or any other charges which a supplier or a third party has added to the invoice.

Region Örebro County conditions of payment are 30 days from the invoice date.

Suppliers who do not invoice electronically

If you do not have a business system

You can use an invoice portal, e.g.
At InExchange you can register 100 invoices each year free of charge.

If you have a business system

In most cases it is possible to create an e-invoice via a business or financial system. Check with your system provider. You can also purchase invoicing services from certain companies in order to create e-invoices.

Invoicing address*
Region Örebro län
Box 1500
701 15  ÖREBRO

* You are only permitted to use this invoicing address for reminders related to invoices that were not sent electronically.


Connection matters,

Invoicing matters,


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Last updated: Wednesday, May 4, 2022

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